1 | Annals of Tourism Research | | | Jurnal Terakreditasi InterNasional |
2 | BRQ Business Research Quarterly | | | |
3 | Burnout Research | | | |
4 | Business Horizons | | | |
5 | Case Studies on Transport Policy | | | |
6 | Cities | | | |
7 | The Columbia Journal of World Business | | | |
8 | Composites Business Analyst | | | |
9 | Decision Support Systems | | | |
10 | Digital Investigation | | | |
11 | The Electricity Journal | | | Jurnal Terakreditasi InterNasional |
12 | Electronic Commerce Research and Applications | | | |
13 | Emerging Markets Review | | | |
14 | Energy Strategy Reviews | | | |
15 | European Journal of Family Business | | | |
16 | European Journal of Management and Business Economics | | | |
17 | European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management | | | |
18 | European Research on Management and Business Economics | | | |
19 | Evaluation and Program Planning | | | |
20 | Expert Systems with Applications | | | |
21 | Future Business Journal | | | Jurnal Terakreditasi InterNasional |
22 | Futures | | | |
23 | Government Information Quarterly | | | |
24 | Human Resource Management Review | | | |
25 | IIMB Management Review | | | |
26 | Industrial Marketing Management | | | |
27 | Information Economics and Policy | | | |
28 | Information & Management | | | |
29 | Information Systems | | | |
30 | International Business Review | | | |
31 | International Journal of Applied Quality Management | | | Jurnal Terakreditasi InterNasional |
32 | International Journal of Forecasting | | | |
33 | International Journal of Hospitality Management | | | |
34 | International Journal of Information Management | | | |
35 | International Journal of Innovation Studies | | | |
36 | International Journal of Intercultural Relations | | | |
37 | The International Journal of Management Education | | | |
38 | International Journal of Project Management | | | |
39 | International Journal of Research in Marketing | | | |
40 | International Journal of Transport Management | | | |
41 | International Strategic Management Review | | | Jurnal Terakreditasi InterNasional |
42 | Internet of Things | | | |
43 | Journal of Air Transport Management | | | |
44 | Journal of Building Engineering | | | |
45 | Journal of Business Research | | | |
46 | Journal of Business Venturing | | | |
47 | Journal of Business Venturing Insights | | | |
48 | Journal of Choice Modelling | | | |
49 | Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management | | | |
50 | Journal of Engineering and Technology Management | | | |
51 | Journal of Family Business Strategy | | | Jurnal Terakreditasi InterNasional |
52 | The Journal of High Technology Management Research | | | |
53 | Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education | | | |
54 | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management | | | |
55 | Journal of Industrial Information Integration | | | |
56 | Journal of Innovation & Knowledge | | | |
57 | Journal of Interactive Marketing | | | |
58 | Journal of International Management | | | |
59 | Journal of Management Science and Engineering | | | |
60 | Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism | | | |
61 | Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management | | | Jurnal Terakreditasi InterNasional |
62 | Journal of Quality Management | | | |
63 | Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management | | | |
64 | Journal of Retailing | | | |
65 | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | | | |
66 | The Journal of Strategic Information Systems | | | |
67 | Journal of World Business | | | |
68 | The Leadership Quarterly | | | |
69 | Long Range Planning | | | |
70 | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes | | | |
71 | Organizational Dynamics | | | Jurnal Terakreditasi InterNasional |
72 | Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management | | | |
73 | Public Relations Review | | | |
74 | Research in Organizational Behavior | | | |
75 | Research Policy | | | |
76 | Research in Transportation Business & Management | | | |
77 | Safety Science | | | |
78 | She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation | | | |
79 | Socio-Economic Planning Sciences | | | |
80 | Sport Management Review | | | |
81 | Technological Forecasting and Social Change | | | Jurnal Terakreditasi InterNasional |
82 | Technology in Society | | | |
83 | Technovation | | | |
84 | Telecommunications Policy | | | |
85 | Tourism Management | | | |
86 | Tourism Management Perspectives | | | |
87 | Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review | | | |
88 | Utilities Policy | | | |
89 | World Patent Information | | | |